Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sahaj Marg Cleaning process

Sahaj Marg

There should be will to force out the samskara's, for example, if you have a knife and you need to cut apple, for that you need to force knife over apple so that it can cut apple in half, similarly you need to force will power to remove the samskara and let divine light should come in empty heart.

It is very necessary that after samsakara you should fill the divine light into heart. It should not be left empty otherwise the same old samsakar will return fill the heart again.

Elements of Practice
The main elements of the practice include:
  • A heart-based meditation and inner cleaning practice, which work in concert to free us from mental and emotional burdens and lead us to the tranquil inner recesses of the Self.
  • A ten-minute prayer-meditation before bed that reminds us daily of our ultimate goal of spiritual growth.
  • An additional technique called "constant remembrance", used for daily reflection and moment-to-moment guidance for meeting every eventuality of daily life.
  • The use of transmission, the subtlest spiritual energy, to bring about evolutionary change.

What is the daily practice prescribed for an abhyasi?
The daily practice consists of three parts:
1. Meditation in the morning;
2. Cleaning in the evening;
3. Prayer-meditation at bedtime.
4. Constant Remembrance (of the Divine Presence in the Heart)

What is meant by Cleaning?
As mentioned before, we need the intervention of Master or his prefects to get rid of old samskaras, which are mental impressions solidified into tendencies. But it becomes the responsibility of the abhyasi to prevent formation of new samskaras by practising the cleaning method prescribed by Master. Through this self-cleaning every evening, an abhyasi will be able to remove the impressions formed in his heart during the day as a result of his interaction with the environment through his mind and senses.
What time should I do the cleaning?
After the day's work is over, when you go home, you may refresh and relax yourself and sit for cleaning. It is best done when you are mentally alert and not sleepy.
How long should I do the cleaning?
Half an hour is the prescribed time.
What is the prescribed posture?
Just as you sit for meditation, in a comfortable but erect sitting posture.
What is the difference between Meditation and Cleaning?
It is simple. In meditation we do not do anything with our mind. There we assume an attitude of inviting divine grace into our hearts and then wait.
In cleaning, we apply the power of our own will to remove the impurities in our heart. This is an active process, not passive like meditation.
How should I do my cleaning?
Maintain the thought that all impressions, impurities, grossness, darkness, etc., are leaving your heart and going out from behind your back in the form of smoke or vapour. Mentally assume that the sacred current of the Divine is entering your heart from Master's heart into the vacuum created by the exit of impurities and grossness. After doing this for half an hour, you should feel mental lightness which is the proof of cleaning.
Am I supposed to see the impurities leaving me during cleaning?
No. We are not expected to try to see them. Master says we should not get involved with or meditate over them, but mentally brush them off.
Should I recall or review all the happenings of the day and then throw them out during the cleaning process?
Master cautions us not to do it because such recalling or reviewing only serves to strengthen those impressions which we want to get rid of. He says that paying attention to grossness will only result in solidifying it.
Suppose I miss the cleaning routine in the evening, what should I do?
It can be done in bed before the night prayer-meditation. If that too is not possible, then you should do cleaning for ten to fifteen minutes the next morning before you start your meditation.

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